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Стихи про лягушек на английском языке

Стихотворение на английском

Five Little Frogs
Five green and speckled frogs
Sat on a speckled log
Eating some most delicious bugs (mmm, mmm!)
One jumped into the pool
Where it was nice and cool,
Then there were four green speckled frogs. (glub, glub)

4 green and speckled frogs...
3 green and speckled frogs...
2 green and speckled frogs...
1 green and speckled frog..

Little Tadpole

Little tadpole, Little tadpole
Lost his tail, lost his tail.
Now he has two feet
Now he has four feet
Look a frog! Look a frog!

Six Little Frogs

Six little frogs that I once knew,
Green ones, brown ones, red ones, too.
But the one bullfrog with the freckles on his throat,
He ruled them all with a croak, croak, croak.

Down to the blue pond they would go,
Hop, jump, hop, jump, to and fro.
But the one bullfrog with the freckles on his throat,
He ruled them all with a croak, croak, croak.